Monday, August 29, 2011

First Official Day

Well my first day went well.  Mostly orientation.  And I did meet another intern who will be helping out occasionally this  semester as well, her name is Jacy, and she's also in my Historic Methods class on Monday nights. 

Lindsey came by this morning too and we went over what projects still need to be done that I might get around to finishing this semester.  Still mostly inventory.  There's still about 40-60 boxes of documents that need going through and re-organizing, labeling, put into excel for inventory purposes.  There's also boxes of magazines that need to be organized and labeled for the train car in the park.  We're going to make one of those cars a "library".  That's the major stuff, and probably what will take the bulk of the semester. 

Lindsey also went over the process of going through and cataloging the boxes so I can jump right in on Wednesday morning.

*Note to self* Pick up maybe a dust mask and some gloves, and wear clothes that can get dirty.  It's dusty in there!  ;-)

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